Hello artists,
Please look at the comments I made on your first artist statement. Consider my comments and re-write you artist statement. Add information on what media you plan to use in your open studio time and why this media appeals to you. This will be due Friday, Nov. 5.
My six words combine with my art work in several ways, however when I used the word talkative, it not only fits my personality it fits with just about every piece i have. For example, I tend to use a lot of photography or text in my art. Along with the theme, I believe that words make certain things stand out more. If I don't use words within my piece its because I feel like it stands out and the message is clear. In open studio time I plan to be doing a mosaic on a piece of furniture, something related to photography, and I'm still thinking about other ideas. This media appeals to me because i love the way mosaics look, especially the texture and i think doing a mosaic on a furniture piece would be extremely fun. Photography appeals to me because its something I’ve always had an interest in. I think it would be neat to use and take some of my own photos based on the theme that I pick.